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Ice cream dog video: Watch hilarious moment greedy dog steals ice cream from his puggle pal - Mirror Online
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An adorable video shows why it's important to make big wait their turn - especially when there's ice cream on offer.In the video,
are treated to an ice cream from the drive through window at McDonalds.Polite puggle Daisy licks the ice cream lightly, but seems to enjoy it - but big dog Cooper is told he has to wait his turn.And when he finally gets his turn, it becomes clear why Cooper wasn't allowed to go first - when he gobbles the whole cone in one bite.The adorable video was shared by Dogpatch Resort, a holiday getaway for dogs in Oregon.You can see more great videos of Cooper and his pals on his
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Apple cuts iPhone 5 display orders in half, possibly on weak demand
Apple cuts iPhone 5 display orders in half, possibly on weak demand
We've heard that the iPad could be selling quite well, and Q4 saw Apple take about 50% of the US smartphone market, at least in part based on the success of the iPhone 5, but it seems the iPhone 5 may not be selling quite as well these days as Apple had expected. And, word has it that because of the weak demand, Apple has cut orders for iPhone 5 displays in half.The news comes from the Wall Street Journal and Nikkei, which separately have reported the cut in orders. The definite part of the report is that during the January to March period, Apple has cut orders for displays in half, according to sources. There is one source which claims the cuts extend beyond displays to other parts, but that hasn't yet been confirmed.&Some may try to claim that the decrease in orders is due to Apple's plans to release the next iPhone as soon as June, but it seems to us that cutting orders this early doesn't quite link to that. Apple users, especially casual users who don't pay attention to rumors, have been used to a yearly cycle, so until there is more definite word that there will be a new iPhone in June, there's no reason to expect sales to drop as they normally would before a new release. It seems more likely that sales demand has been lower than expected, which led to the cut, but we'll find out when the real numbers come out.&source:
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Not that surprising, the iphone is starting to get dated.
It's not cool anymore since everyone has one.
Apple needs to add some variety to the design & os.
Exactly, the iPhone 5 lacks some key modern features such as NFC and an HD display. Apple needs a radical redesign and larger displays 4" is too small when most other high end displays are approaching and surpassing 5"
for those who say SIZE DOES NOT MATTER is a liar
true man ..It will be great to have 5 inch Retina display
iPhone with ios 7 and 13 Mega pixal camera !!
Now it's time for Samsung. ....
And Sony, LG, Motorola...
Sony has good chance with Xperia Z and only Sony can make Android 2 horse race
Samsung phones are getting boring , they are almost the same . Give me a Sony / HTC / Lumia instead .
PS : I owns several Apple and Samsung products
NFC, sure. But HD display is a pointless word. Apple has consistently had the best displays for color calibration and they have consistently hit the same PPI range as other flagship devices. Larger phones might make more sense, but a lot of people want a smaller one too. Maybe an iPhone 5XLS and an iPhone 5S is in order...
Weak demand for sure, the widespread iPhone 5 discounts showed that. The strength for iOS now is iTunes and AppStore, not the iPhone itself. But Google PlayStore can now rival them and JB is way better OS.
In hardware beside advantage in screen size. Android took initiative from Apple by releasing much better than Retina phones and tablets. And HTC and Sony phones are better built than iPhone.
Expect iOS marketshare to shrink substantially this year
Darn! Where are all the hardcore ifans when we need them most!! :D
most have already migrated from iOS to android...
Yup...i can see that somehow. :)
Don't forget those lawsuits, everyone is sick of supporting a greedy company that steals inventions and then claims is theirs
they claim certain shapes as theirs as well
That guy is LAME....
Same model over and over for 2G, 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5....
not to mention ipod touch....
1 success did not make Apple's Little Johny into GOD STATUS!!!!
Apple takes customers for granted, and they have to pay for that.
Its about time Apple got put in its place. I mean the company has been taking its customers for a ride for the past couple of years with almost no product enhancements whatsoever to speak of...and people I mean REAL product enhancements not some claim at an Apple conference stating that the latest updates contain 200 new features and when people are asked they hardly know two!
Time for Apple to step up or get the heck out of the way!
its kind of like how Porsche has never changed its design for 40 years ,
Yes but Porsche's design is timeless. Technology changes rapidly.
Porsche has many designs for customers to choose, they even have SUV as well.
It's take it or leave it with Apple.
Remember Henry Ford?
You can have any color you want as long as it's black.
Same with Apple's philosophy, black or white that's it.
4s and 4 didnt look any different to the untrained eye.
If the 5S comes out there probably wont be any physical differences so it all looks the same.
People like variety
Your iPhone is not a car. Get over it!
Lol my mum picks on people that use siri, she says, "oh you tell it you're hungry, is it going to spit out a burger now? "
Exactly, it's barely even a phone!
Porsche also doesn't tell people that they can only drive at a max speed of 100km/hour, and only in 3rd gear.
Porsche also doesn't sue other companies for having round tires.
I will be so glad to hear when Apple announces the excuse for their larger display than 4" in the future..
Well, most likely "another iperfect size 4.3 or 4.5? lol
And watch them portray that as innovation and people fall for it lol
4.95 or 5.45 as they will not pick the already done sizes going by their history ... they have to do it different to call it innovation and playing on odd sizez is the only innovation left for them as of now besides running to USPTO. But i am wondering how much of a cost bump comes with that 25% size bump because the manufacturing cost is bound to go up by 15% and since apple want 200-300% margin the end user price may go up by 40% which press will go all out to defend left right and center. So how much would the 5.45inch "iPhad" cost?
Maybe it's time for apple to introduce the ROUND handphone or iFreesBee.
a phone you can throw to play with your dog.
I knew this would come. *evil laugh*
Times has come ! people starting
relized who is better now! This is what happen when you're
focus on others affair too much instead focus develope your owning
products better than them.
apple phones is a porsche u mean is a fiat 500 or better more like ford model T
it's like Beetle or H Davidson :)
Users of the iPhone change your mind after see last week the stunning Sony Xperia Z!
Just about time...apple realized 4" is gonna cut anymore...time for larger iPhone
Oh, dear! PH, you have become nothing, but a local gossip corner! By the way, I have a neigbour, whose friend has a husband who works at Wall Street and he heard that PA have completely f...ed proffesional approach and are now hiring monkeys, just to see if they do better that the current "experts" they have. :)
Iconic Phone or Ironic Phone? It needs a rethink :)
The 4" screen is fine, it just need to be widened out instead of just made taller. Eh, I don't know...strip the iPhone down & re-design it from the bottom up.
I don't want it to be wider , I love the 16:9 aspect ratio of the iPhone 5 and most android handsets that packs HD screen
Probably Apple is getting ready to release iPhone 5S with iOS 6.1. Anyways apple has to focus on innovation.
I bet my ten cents that the next iPhone would bring this innovation: multi-color choices for the back plate!!! Lame. Lame. Lame. omg lol
Just remember, this could be misreading data: if there has been a 50% cut for parts for the iPhone 5 other than the screen, then that certainly will be bad news. But...if there is no corresponding cut for other parts, then what does that mean?
Another screen supplier? Anyone remember what Apple is doing with Sharp and its breakthrough IGZO technology?
according to the WSJ article other materials have been reduced as well.
Other stock prices (vendors along the supply chain were down this morning as well)
The next iPhone will be a complete bust if ios stays the same. No changes to that in the past 5-6 years is going to kill apple.
All changes that can come is Xeroxing Android world with an apple stamp.
michael h apple article, nothing to see here folks
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Apple cuts iPhone 5 display orders in half, possibly on weak demand
Apple cuts iPhone 5 display orders in half, possibly on weak demand
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