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重新安装浏览器,或使用别的浏览器西门子SIRIUS软起动器3RW 西门子SIRIUS软起动器3RW 西门子SIRIUS软起动器3RW 西门子SIRIUS软起动器3RW &上海西皇电气设备有限公司竭诚为您服务SIEMENS中国授权分销商只有您想不到,没有我们做不到!公司主营:数控系统,S7-200PLC S7-300PLC S7-400PLC S7-1200PLC 6ES5 ET200 人机界面,变频器,DP总线,MM420 变频器MM430 变频器MM440 6SE70交流工程调速变频器6RA70直流调速装置 SITOP电源,电线电缆,数控备件,伺服电机等工控产品.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&======================================上海西皇电气设备有限公司联&系&人:张婕24小时联系手机:在 线 商 务 QQ:&直线销售 电 话:&021-传&真:&021-======================================西门子软启动器 3RW西门子软启动器 3RW西门子软启动器 3RW西门子软启动器 3RW西门子软启动器 3RW西门子软启动器 3RW西门子软启动器 3RW西门子3RW44软启动器原装正品西门子3KW软启动器原装正品西门子软启动器710KW/1214A主要分类1、根据电压分类:高压软启动器、低压软启动器;2、根据介质分类:固态软启动器、液阻软启动器;3、根据控制原理:电子式软启动器、电磁式软启动器;4、根据运行方式:在线型软启动器、旁路型软启动器;5、根据负载:标准型软启动器、重载型软启动器。西门子软启动器说明西门子软启动器是一种优质的电机控制装备,它集软启动、软停车、轻载节能和多功能保护等多种功能于一体,它填补了星-三角启动器和变频器在功能实用性和价格之间的鸿沟,具有非常优良的性能,所以一上市就在各行各业中得到了广泛应用。西门子软启动器能够控制电动机的电压,使电压在启动中逐渐升高,自然地控制电流,使电动机能够平稳启动,将机械和电应力降至最小。西门子软启动器还附带了软停车功能,能够有效地避免水泵停止时所产生的“水锤效应”。而随着电力电子技术的快速发展,智能型的西门子软起动器得到广泛应用。智能型实现在整个起动过程中无冲击且平滑的起动电机,可根据电动机负载特性来调节起动过程中的参数,如限流值、起动时间等。此外,它还具有多种电机保护功能,从根本上解决了传统降压起动设备的诸多弊端。西门子软启动器型号HPS2D75…840常规型电机软起动器,采用16位单片机,实现全数字化数据处理,起动和停止时的电压斜坡由单片机控制,具有脉冲突跳、大电流断开、泵停止、内置电子过载保护、断相保护、过流保护、过温保护,并具有自诊断和节能功能。可消除电动机起动、停止过程中的电流冲击,减小电网容量,避免电机起动时机械冲击,保护电机和负载。HPMV-DN中、高压软启动器是用多只可控硅串并联而成,可满足不同电流及电压等级要求,控制可控硅的触发角即可控制输出电压大小。电机起动中,HPMV-DN按照预先设定的起动曲线增加电机的端电压,使电机平滑加速,从而减少电机起动时的电气及机械冲击。当电机达到正常转速后,旁路接触器接通;电机起动完毕后,HPMV-DN继续监控电机并提供各种故障保护。HPS2S18/30…300/515是一款灵活多用的电机软启动器,它可取代Y/△起动,适用于大多数场合。安装调节方便,所有控制连接及参数调节均在正面完成,前面板上可给出清晰的工作状态及故障指示。此型号的软启动器在安装完后仍仍然可以很方便的进行就地改造。西门子软启动器选型西门子软启动器选型主要是根据电机功率的最大额定值、电机额定电流Ie、软起动器规格型号以及重量等性能参数来进行选择的。西门子软启动器型号参数多样,只有性能参数确定好了才能更好的进行软启动器选型SIRIUS 3RW30 软起动器通过可变相位控制降低了电机电压,并将其从可选择的开始电压以斜坡模式上升至电源电压。起动时,这些设备限制了转矩以及电流,并可防止直接起动或星-三角形起动时产生的冲击。这样,机械负载和电源电压压降能够可靠的得到降低。软起动降低了连接设备的应力,减少了磨损,因此无故障生产时间较长。可选的起动值意味着软起动器可单独调整至有问题应用的需求,且不像星-三角形起动器限制在具有固定电压比的两级启动。SIRIUS 3RW30 软起动器在对空间需求小上具有突出特性。集成式旁通触点意味着电机起动后,在交易时无需考虑功率半导体(晶闸管)的功耗。从而降低了热损失,使设计更加紧凑,且无需外部旁通电路。可提供多种型号的 SIRIUS 3RW30 软起动器:标准型号用于定速三相电机,规格 S00、S0、S2 和 S3,带集成旁通接触系统 型号用于 22.5 mm 外壳内的定速三相电机,无旁通 起动器额定功率达 55 kW(400 V 时),可用于三相电网中的标准应用。该款软起动器具有尺寸小、功耗低和易于调试等优点。功能性紧凑型 SIRIUS 3RW30 软起动器所需的空间仅为用于比较额定值 wye-delta 起动的接触器所需空间的三分之一。这不仅节约了控制柜和标准安装导轨的空间,还完全省去了 wye-delta 起动器所需的布线工作。这对于高电机额定值尤为明显,这些高额定值极少用作高技术解决方案。同时,连接起动器和电机所需的电缆从六根减少到三根。紧凑的外形尺寸、短起动时间、简单布线和快速调试使得软起动器具有明显的成本优势。这些软起动器的旁通触点在工作时由一个集成固态灭弧系统保护。从而在故障时可防止对旁通触点的破坏,如线圈操作机构或主操作弹簧的短暂的控制电压故障、机械震动或与寿命相关的部件缺陷。新设备系列采用“极性平衡”控制方法,用于保护两相控制的软起动器中的直流部件。对于两相控制软起动器,来自两个控制相位重叠的电流会流经未受控制的相位。这也是导致电机软起动中三相电流非对称分布的物理原因。这虽然不受影响,但在大多数应用中仍不可忽视。控制功率半导体不仅导致不对称,在起动电压低于电机起动电压值的 50 % 时,还导致之前提到的直流部件产生严重的噪音。用于这些软起动器的控制方法省去了软起动相位的直流部件,并防止了可能产生的制动扭矩。该方法创建了在速度、扭矩和电流上升上一致的电机软起动,从而可实现电机的缓和两相起动。同时,起动操作的声音质量与三相控制软起动器接近。可通过电机软起动期间不同极性半波电流的持续的动态协调和均衡来实现。因此命名为“极性平衡”。电压斜坡软起动;起动电压的调节范围 Us 为 40% 至 100%,斜坡时间 tR 为 0s ~ 20s。 集成式旁通接触系统,可最小化功率损失 使用两个电位计设置 安装与调试简单 电源电压为 50/60 Hz,200 ~ 480 V 两个控制电压型号 24 V AC/DC 和 110 - 230 V AC/DC 宽温度范围,从 -25 ~ +60 ℃ 内置辅助触点确保用户友好控制,并可在系统内进一步处理。Area of application3RW30 软起动器可用于三相异步电机的软起动。由于两相控制,在整个启动时间内,电流在各个相位始终保持在最小值。由于连续电压影响,在星形-三角形启动器条件下无可避免的现象,如电流和转矩峰值,在这种情况下不会发生。用于高性能应用场合的西门子软启动器用于电动机械要求软启动和/或软停机的应用场合。SIRIUS 3RW44 C 用于高性能场合用于功率高达 1200 kW的电机输出用于苛刻应用场合的多种功能内联和内三角形电路&3RW 软起动器SIRIUS 模拟化系统优点一览:软启动和平滑下降(只有 3RW30 具有软启动功能)无极起动降低电流峰值起动时避免电源电压波动减轻对电网的负荷减少整个操作机构的机械负载和常规起动器相比,极大地节省了空间,减少了布线免维护分断处理及其简便和 SIRIUS 模块化系统完美配合College graduates are unemployed, this is not, I graduated from a job.
Before graduation, I did not see the work, career difficult. However, after entering the society, it was found that the pot is really cast iron. Even looking for a job is the old feeling unhappy, not too strict here, that is, where wages are low, or too bad to work environment. And at this time, the university to see those negative feelings are also old in my head. For example, the students in my class are rich and poor, but although the poor children as early as the family, but even if they re work study program, but also far from those rich two generations of students had a natural. I'm not a rich two generation, but my mother is a doctor, my father is an engineer, their wages are good. So, after looking for a job setback, I intend to go home for a few years.
Free "game" person
To bite the old, of course, to find a good reason to make a cover in front of their parents. I told my parents, I want to be a freelance writer,
rely on the money to feed themselves. Mom and dad do not know whether I am suitable for this job, but I promised to try.
Since before the newspaper published an article, I think writing can also. At first, I really wrote an article for the newspaper every day. Can cast a lot of releases have been rejected. For a period of time down, I also discouraged. I have long been accustomed to this kind of free life, I really want to go out to find a job can not accept. So, I simply played the online game, fell in love with World of Warcraft, every day on the Internet to play a joy. Wait until mom and dad are about to go home and turn it off.
But, as a freelance journalist has still not received royalties, parents began to ask. So, I quickly forged a few e-mails sent to my editor to see parents, saying that the article will soon be published. Then, on the Internet a few copies copied to the press published. When I'm looking forward to the few plagiarized published manuscripts sent to that day, her mother suddenly asked me why gas in a hurry, copying someone else. It turned out that the newspaper found that I published an article from plagiarism, I left the home phone to ask, unfortunately, is
being answered by my mother.
Landlord sarcasm
My parents know everything, angry gave me an ultimatum, limit me to find a job within twenty days, otherwise the door. I was shocked, but then I think: only my parents only son, can not really want to catch me out, or at least to me to find a decent job with high salary easily. And then continue the game.
I know I was wrong, parents are real. Twenty days after the parents took out ten thousand dollars and put my clothes luggage out the door, let me say again no matter they emerge of itself and perish of itself. Then, with a bang, "shut the door.". Let me how I say, parents do not open the door.
Fortunately, there are ten thousand dollars on the body, I rented a room on the outside of a house. Can not stand the game addiction, and bought a computer, all day Cat in the room to fight. Originally, this was the first day of life is also indifferent, but the landlord is increasingly annoying.
A period of time after rent, the landlord to come to the room every two or three days for my trouble, while I put here with him too dirty, a moment that I put there with him again, very much.
I can not help but refute, but the landlord laughed at me, they can not afford to buy a house, rent to keep others rules. Otherwise the tube, on their own to buy a house to live. I can't answer it, because I really can not afford to buy a house, not only can not afford to buy a house, or even to eat food at any time.
Eyes looked at my parents gave me less and less money, in only a thousand pieces, I call my parents call, but stopped. I hurried home, but the family had a new owner. Heaven! Parents in order to hide me, but the phone number for you, the house also sell. I'm their only son. How can they be so cruel?.
Boss's secret"
I can't sit hungry. I have to go to work. But long-term isolation from society, and no work experience, can not find a good job.
No way, I had to go to a restaurant as a waiter. However, I have no experience as a waiter, clumsy, often wrong, and from time to time with other employees who were wrong boss criticized.
Originally, the boss's criticism is not very strict, but I can not stand a strong self-esteem. There were times when I was so excited that I wanted to quit. Can think again, I have no money on the body, the resignation can go to where to settle down, and finally hold back.
However, after a period of time, the boss of my attitude is more and more easy-going, and I think it is because I work steadfast and progress. However, the boss of the other employees are still some serious progress, but to me, "gentle", I do not want to understand. I remember once, when I received the table accidentally broke a good plate, if in the past, the boss must roar. But this boss not only do not scold, but kindly said: do not panic, the next attention on the line. And on the second day of breaking the dish, I was in the kitchen when the end of the meal, but I heard the boss in a phone call: "nothing, he just broke a plate, the work is not bad...... "See my food out, the boss quickly hung up the phone.
This is obviously about me, I am puzzled all at sea. Because I feel ashamed, I never told any of my friends, classmates and relatives
Lithophane and Liu Ming
Our hotel is located in the vicinity of the elderly concentrated areas, many customers are elderly. Perhaps, because I look simple and honest, good service attitude, sweet mouth very polite. The old people who often eat in the restaurant are familiar, they all like me very much.
Since it is a gathering area for the elderly, there are many elderly goods companies to develop the market here. One of a company called Chen's marketing staff often come here, at noon to eat at our restaurant. I'm familiar with him about his age. When the salesman Chen, the monthly salary of four thousand or five thousand, I am very envious, because I was only paid wages of more than 1 thousand. Chen suggested that I go to where they work, I am tempted, but they only a few hundred dollars base salary, wages mainly by the Commission, I do not dare to take risks. Chen then suggested that I can try to pull them down with the business, the company with me as a commission.
I accepted the proposal of Chen, since then has been to their company to pay attention to business information.
Coincidentally, a few elderly people in the restaurant to eat, is discussing the issue of elderly goods purchase. I took the chance, the second day I told the boss for leave, with the several elderly people to understand Chen's company. Unexpectedly, even signed a large single ten thousand yuan, I have a total of $more than 1 thousand. Wow, that's half my salary.
Later, I made a few single. In the confidence and experience, I simply resigned from the restaurant, Chen to the company to do a full-time salesman. Lured by high pay, I do very hard, very hard, very good performance.
After a certain amount of savings, I suddenly thought of the landlord sarcastic words, they decided to buy a house. At that time, I suddenly received a call from my parents. They asked me if I had to borrow money from them.
Although I had been in touch with my parents for a long time, I was still angry when I answered the phone. Unexpectedly, they are not only sad, but also very excited.
Strange, how do parents know I want to buy a house? I do not want to contact my parents, you can buy a house to do some documents, you have to call the parents. I found the parents of the new homes, is the mother who opened, I saw a door, not by surprise.
Mom and dad's new home in the living room, a table full of food, but also sitting around a few people. Are: I used to rent the landlord, I work for the hotel owner, now friends and colleagues chen.
I was surprised to stay there, my mother said: are acquaintances, come and sit.
When I sat down, my parents came to me. It turned out that my parents rushed out of the house, in fact, very worried about me, but in order to be able to grow up in society, based on, had the heart to throw me out, but quietly watching me. The landlord to my sarcasm, it is my parents found him, the kind of him, in order to meet my parents, I deliberately played a good education. It was the mother who was asking him about my work when the restaurant owner answered the mysterious phone call that I had been unable to understand. And after I entered the company, my parents also found Chen, but he kept secret, to pay attention to my work. Parents know I want to buy a house, it is Chen told them.
God, I was in charge of my parents. At first, I can't get angry.
But then I thought, was driven out of the house to the present I have become a person, but also with high income, but also to buy their own homes. Was out of the house, is it right?. At the moment, they raised their glasses, respectively, with the landlord, the hotel owner and Chen they drink.
I always hear tipsy, hidden behind the scenes dad said such a sentence profound words: opportunity is the key in daily life, you must have the courage to walk into the life, and social contact. There is no chance of being alone in the room.
I savor this sentence, and with Daddy touched a cup, not drunk drunk.
As far as I am concerned, there is nothing more painful than the school. I tremble at the thought of the tigress. There is a friend at the same table, Onmygod!
Hey, start!
Mathematics, I was an extremely bad, ah, what the teacher said in class, I do not listen to it. I write a mess, the same table, "mouse" can be proud of it, we have a fight. I am a girl, natural beat him, after the defeat he scolded the sentence. But I'm really fat, and I feel that way.
I swear not to let him down, no longer careless and casual, seriously, although sometimes absent-minded, but much higher than the efficiency of class. I also do my homework carefully. So, I will not meet, also no longer call my parents taught me.
"Mouse" that dare not underestimate me.
Drink, I can have a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment. The English book is divided into eight units, each of which has two classes. Recite? A piece of cake! Although I have a stupid head and a good memory, I don't spend much time in the evening. I saw the recitation of the text of the table is kept second day in the morning, I see to, in the case of Savior, hurriedly asked me how to read this sentence, how to read the word. I answered his question, then he recited the text fluently and looked at his big eyes! Good mood!
The English teacher likes me very much. She wears a pair of glasses, short hair, neat appearance.
The teacher likes to play with me and the same table joke, I recite the text fluently, "rat" back stuttering, the teacher took him as a negative material, called him stupid. He angrily toward my fists, I was wrong.
Near the end of the semester, I am the heart of the language. As a result of the decline, the teacher in charge is indifferent to me. I am upset. See some poor students were picked up a small problem, scold a half to death, look at the appearance of their grievances, I am more afraid of the language teacher, the fear is also mixed with boredom. I wish I could take a test and get rid of this. "
On Wednesday, I was on duty. I forgot to do, was caught by the teacher in charge, scolded me. I was angry, clenched fist, very want to resist. Back to the seat, sit at the same table did not dare to joke with me, quietly do their own thing, but my anger subsided. I bite my teeth and prepare for the final exam.
Six grade I, is still a simple child? Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, I'm going to take the first step in my life.
Now parents think learning achievement and famous school for children is very important, sometimes might be caused by the lost child achievement or examination of the various kinds of tragedy is Speranskia sadness, read the story about the two protagonists, parents, you have discovered what? Not the students, you think what?
Zhang Peng is a third year student, after the end of this year's exam, the character from the outside suddenly become introverted. Coupled with the mother's stimulation, the heart is not the taste. This morning, he hurried to eat a few meals, just turn on the TV to watch, when he heard the sound of mobile phone but not a TV sound, he took a look at the mobile phone, the original is a friend of Yang Zhe played, he asked Yang Zhe: "what's the matter?" "In a bad mood, I want to talk to you."
Yang Zhe's voice is low. "Why not?" Zhang Peng is full of questions. "Is not in the exam, the exam is too bad, only the last three high school, to see you?" "On this score, I also went to high school, got it! It's not early today." Said Zhang Peng impatiently. Soon after the call, mom came back. See Zhang Peng watching TV, she strode across the past from Zhang Peng in the hands of the TV remote control, press hard on the remote shutdown". This press, it seems that the remote control is broken. After the TV off, she roar like Zhang Peng shouted: "this exam still watching TV, I tell you, you poor my people are lost, how do you do so ah, if you are not learning material, then the secondary!"
Zhang Peng heard very angry, just said: "on." Mother heard her hand waving to Zhang Peng's smooth face. Mom was angry, Zhang Peng cried and ran to the bedroom. He swore to himself that he must come out of the world and not recognize the mother. From the second day to the first day of secondary school has not talked to her. Even send Zhang Peng to school is his father sent.
Zhang Peng on the repair of the car school, go in, he found himself on the repair of motor vehicles, very proficient. Three years later, he was able to open their own car repair factory, but did not start the fund, it has not yet achieved. At this time, the home phone, a phone, mother said: "son, you come back soon, you go over the past three years, my mother thought a lot, you know I am wrong, is a car repair, the future will certainly have to do this in the garage, I give you 200 thousand the start-up capital."
Zhang Peng after listening to disdain said: "who wants your money, you now know that the wrong, late!" And then hung up. Because there is no starting money, Zhang Peng had to go to work to earn money. After much deliberation, he selected a car repair factory repair for others, one day, he was mending a car, accidentally put the car, a part of the repair is wrong, after the owners came and asked him: "what car, how to finish this." As a result of working, so Zhang Peng immediately smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I'll give you a little repair, my name is Zhang Peng, let's make a friend!" The owner looked puzzled and said, "are you Zhang Peng?"
"Yes!" "Alas! Old friend, finally see you again, I'm Yang Zhe."
The owner said. Zhang Peng immediately said happily: "it was you!" Then, Yang Zhe told Zhang Peng to break up after the third day. It turned out that Yang Zhe after high school and junior high school is not the same, and every time the exam is very good, the college entrance examination also took a good school, now in a secondary school teaching. Zhang Peng after listening to very surprised: "you eat high school is an elixir?" He said: "it may be that I learned in high school!" Then Zhang Peng borrowed money from him, but he said, "200 thousand too much, I can't afford it. Your family is not rich? Go to your house!" "No," said Zhang Peng." Say that finish, Yang Zhe away from Zhang Peng. But on the second day, things have changed. Yang Zhe changed his mind. He promised to borrow Zhang Pengqian, Zhang Peng to thank him, he said: "Zhang Peng, I saw your mother yesterday, your mother miss you very much." Zhang Peng didn't speak.边界条件选型和订货数据中列出的电机额定值是粗略的指导值。软起动器应始终根据所需的电机额定工作电流进行设计。3RW 软起动器旨在用于简单的起动条件。为了在选型和订货数据中选择软起动器,对所有 3RW 软起动器定义了 300% 的电流负载,作为正常起动的边界条件(等级 10)。对于 3RW30,每小时最多起动 20 次且最长起动时间 3 s 被定义为边界条件;对于 3RW40 和 3RW44,每小时最多起动 5 次且最长起动时间 10 s 被定义为边界条件。若有附加要求,可能需要选择更大的设备。然而,在某些情况下,选型中考虑的安全裕度也允许所列出的单元在稍微苛刻的边界条件下使用。我们一般推荐使用软起动器模拟工具 (STS) 选择 3RW 软起动电机额定数据(单位:kW 和 hp)基于 IEC 。订货号编排方式产品型号订货号设备类型软起动器3RW303RW403RW44??????CCC???????????????CCC????????????标准应用标准应用适合高性能应用规格例如:2 = S0(适用于 3RW30/40)?额定工作电流&Ie例如:6 = 25 A(适用于 3RW30/40)?接线方式例如:1 = 螺纹接线端子(适用于 3RW30)?软起动器的功能例如:BB = 带有集成旁路,用两个相位进行控制(适用于 3RW)??额定控制电源电压Us24 V AC/DC03RW30/40 的尺寸最大为 S3110 … 230 V AC/DC13RW30/40 的尺寸最大为 S3115 V AC3适用于 3RW40/44230 V AC4适用于 3RW40/4424 ... 230 V AC/DC5适用于 3RW3003额定工作电压Ue例如:4 = 200 ... 480 V(适用于 3RW30/40)?特殊型号????示例3RW4026C1BB14注:产品编号方案展示了产品版本概览,以更好地理解产品编号逻辑。对于您的订单,请使用选择和订购数据中列明的订货号。Sanftstarter 3RW Ger?tevergleichSIRIUS 3RW Soft StartersBenefits能效优势能源管理流程概述西门子可以提供工业能效管理的独特产品线,以优化能源需求。西门子将能源管理分成三个阶段:识别、评估和实施,并在能源管理流程的每一阶段都提供有相应的硬件和软件解决方案。此外,全新的 SIRIUS 工业控制产品还有助于大幅度地提高工厂的能效。使用该软启动器,整体上看,可以为工厂能将带来如下促进作用:能源管理通过总线,向上位机系统提供诸如电流、电压和功率(3RW44)等的能量数据电流管理避免电流峰值,因而,减轻电网和机械系统的负载降低控制柜的温度上升根据其技术特点,可以获得相比与变速驱动系统更低的内部功耗,因而,冷却要求更低,可以实现更加紧凑型设计。全部规格均配有旁通保护功能,从而实现了更低的启动后功耗。这是由于秤体自重的存在和动态时汽车上秤的振动、 冲击、 偏载等原因, 使部分传感器瞬时承受比实际载荷多出10%~40%的重量,有时甚至超出传感器的额定载荷, 使当次称量的准确度下降。为了使传感器在额定载荷内工作, 可以人为规定70%的系数。 规定一个上限,有助于提高秤体的准确性。紧凑型 SIRIUS 3RW40 软起动器所需的空间仅为用于比较额定值 wye-delta 起动的接触器所需空间的三分之一。这不仅节约了控制柜和标准安装导轨的空间,还完全省去了 wye-delta 起动器所需的布线工作。这对于高电机额定值尤为明显,这些高额定值极少用作高技术解决方案同时,连接起动器和电机所需的电缆从六根减少到三根。紧凑的外形尺寸、短起动时间、简单布线和快速调试使得软起动器具有明显的成本优势。软启动器工作原理与主电路图,软启动器的选择及应用。1 软启动器工作原理与主电路图
软启动器采用三相反并联晶闸管作为调压器,将其接入和定子之间。这种电路如三相全控桥式整流电路,主电路图见图1。使用软启动器启动时,晶闸管的输出电压逐渐增加,电动机逐渐加速,直到晶闸管全导通,电动机工作在额定电压的机械特性上,实现平滑启动,降低启动电流,避免启动过流跳闸。待达到额定转数时,启动过程结束,软启动器自动用旁路取代已完成任务的晶闸管,为电动机正常运转提供额定电压,以降低晶闸管的热损耗,延长软启动器的使用寿命,提高其工作效率,又使电网避免了谐波污染。软启动器同时还提供软停车功能,软停车与软启动过程相反,电压逐渐降低,转数逐渐下降到零,避免自由停车引起的转矩冲击。软启动与软停车的电压曲线见图2,3。2 软启动器的选用(1) 选型:目前市场上常见的软启动器有旁路型、无旁路型、节能型等。根据负载性质选择不同型号的软启动器。旁路型:在电动机达到额定转数时,用旁路接触器取代已完成任务的软启动器,降低晶闸管的热损耗,提高其工作效率。也可以用一台软启动器去启动多台电动机。无旁路型:晶闸管处于全导通状态,电动机工作于全压方式,忽略电压谐波分量,经常用于短时重复工作的电动机。节能型:当电动机负荷较轻时,软启动器自动降低施加于电动机定子上的电压,减少电动机电流励磁分量,提高电动机功率因数。(2) 选规格:根据电动机的标称功率,电流负载性质选择启动器,一般软启动器容量稍大于电动机工作电流,还应考虑保护功能是否完备,例如:缺相保护、短路保护、过载保护、逆序保护、过压保护、欠压保护等。3 Alt48软启动器的特点Alt48软启动器启动时采用专利技术的转矩控制。转矩斜坡上升更快速,损耗更低。具有电动机和软启动器综合保护功能,能全时连续检测电机电流,提供电机可靠和完整保护,这种保护功能在启动结束旁路后仍能起作用,这是其它软启动器都不具备的。Alt48在保持加速力矩的同时,实时计算定子和转子的功率。在整个加速周期连续计算电机功率因数和定子损耗,通过检测电压和电流来计算功率因数,并扣除定子损耗,得到实际的转子功率和电机力矩。4 Alt48软启动器的应用设计采用一拖二方案,见图4,即一台软启动器带两台水泵,可以依次启动,停止两台水泵。一拖二方案主要特点是节约一台软启动器,减少了投资,充分体现了方案的经济性,实用性。(1) 启动过程:首先选择一台电动机在软启动器拖动下按所选定的启动方式逐渐提升输出电压,达到工频电压后,旁路接触器接通。然后,软启动器从该回路中切除,去启动下一台电机。(2) 停止过程:先启动软启动器与旁路接触器并联运行,然后切除旁路,最后软启动器按所选定的停车方式逐渐降低输出电压直到停止。5 应用效果通过一年的运行,表明该装置可靠性高,性能完善,能满足生产要求。主要体现在以下几点:(1) 使用软启动器后,启动电流明显降低,减少配电容量与增容投资。(2) 软启动器实现平稳启动,对水泵及管道无冲击,提高供电可靠性和供水可靠性。(3) 采用软停车方式减少对机械的冲击,防止水锤效应,延长水泵及其相关设备的使用寿命。(4) 多种启动模式及保护功能融于一体,防止事故的产生。3RW 固态电机控制器设计用于简便启动条件中。在异常条件或增大开关频率的情况下,可能有必要选择一个较大的设备。如果起动时间较长,必要时必须选用用于较重起动负载的过载继电器。推荐使用 PTC 传感器不允许在电机馈电线内 SIRIUS 3RW 软起动器和电机之间使用电容性元件(如,不能使用无功补偿设备)。此外,无论是用于无功补偿的静态系统,还是动态 PFC(功率因数校正),在启动时和软起动器斜降时都不能并行操作。这对于防止补偿设备和/或软起动器发生故障来说十分重要。主电路的所有元件(比如熔断器,开关设备和过载继电器)应该按照在加载短路时直接起动的情况下相应的进行选型。熔断器,开关设备和过载继电器必须单独订购。请遵守在技术数据中指定的最大开关频率。注:在接通感应电机时,所有类型的起动器上(直接起动器、星-三角起动器、软起动器)通常都会产生电压降。馈电变压器的尺寸必须能达到这样的效果:启动电机时,所发生的电压降不能超出允许公差的范围。 如果馈电变压器确定尺寸时边沿较小,则最好从一个独立电路(都不依赖于主电压)将控制电压馈入,以便防止可能发生将软起动器切断的情形。SIMATICS7-300通用控制器可以节省安装空间并且具有模块化设计的特点大量的模块可根据手头的任务被用于扩展集中系统或创建分散结构的系统,并促进备件成本效益的经济性。凭借其令人印象深刻的创新系列,SIMATICS7-300通用控制器成为了一个可以有效节省用户额外投资和维护成本的综合系统。控制功率半导体不仅导致不对称,在起动电压低于电机起动电压值的 50 % 时,还导致之前提到的直流部件产生严重的噪音。用于这些软起动器的控制方法省去了软起动相位的直流部件,并防止了可能产生的制动扭矩。该方法创建了在速度、扭矩和电流上升上一致的电机软起动,从而可实现电机的缓和两相起动。同时,起动操作的声音质量与三相控制软起动器接近。可通过电机软起动期间不同极性半波电流的持续的动态协调和均衡来实现。因此命名为“极性平衡”。SIRIUS 3RW30 软起动器在对空间需求小上具有突出特性。集成式旁通触点意味着电机起动后,在交易时无需考虑功率半导体(晶闸管)的功耗。从而降低了热损失,使设计更加紧凑,且无需外部旁通电路。 在接通感应电机时,所有类型的起动器上(直接起动器、星-三角起动器、软起动器)通常都会产生电压降。馈电变压器的尺寸必须能达到这样的效果:启动电机时,所发生的电压降不能超出允许公差的范围。 如果馈电变压器确定尺寸时边沿较小,则最好从一个独立电路(都不依赖于主电压)将控制电压馈入,以便防止可能发生将软起动器切断的情形。同时,软起动器还具有其它集成式功能,如可调限流、电机过载和本征设备保护及可选热敏电阻电机保护。由于这些功能,无需再购买和安装如过载继电器等保护设备,因此,电机额定值越高,这些功能也越重要内部本征设备保护可防止晶闸管热过载及功率方面的缺陷。另一个选择,可使用半导体保险丝防止晶闸管短路。由于集成式状态监控和故障监控,该紧凑型软起动器具有许多不同的诊断功能。使用 4 个 LED 和继电器输出,来指示工作状态以及电源或相位故障、负载缺失、不允许的脱扣时间/等级设置、热过载或设备故障等,实现监控和诊断起动器额定功率达 250 kW(400 V 时),可用于三相电网中的标准应用。 超小外形尺寸、低功率损耗和简单起动仅仅是 SIRIUS 3RW40 软起动器的众多优点中的三个。“增安型”防护 EEx e,符合 ATEX 指令 94/9/ECS0 到 S12 规格的 3RW40 软起动器适合起动带“增安”型保护 EExe 的防爆电机。西门子SIRIUS软起动器3RW 西门子SIRIUS软起动器3RW 西门子SIRIUS软起动器3RW 西门子SIRIUS软起动器3RW
(文:张婕 &来源:上海西皇电气设备有限公司)
推荐关键词:西门子SIRIUS软起动器3RW 西门子软启动器
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