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字,由案例引出问题(Prereading Questions),让学生为阅读课文作好准备。课文后附有词汇(Vocabulary ) 与注释(Notes)供学生参考,同时配有针对课文内容的不同形式的练习和补充阅读供学生使用。书中如有不当之处,请读者批评指正。ContentsPrefaceUnit One Introduction (1)…………………………………………Unit Two anization (20)…………………………………Unit Three Dispute Settlement (38)…………………………………Unit Four Constitutional Law (57)…………………………………Unit Five Criminal Law (75)………………………………………Unit Six Intentional Torts (91)……………………………………Unit Seven Negligence and Strict Liability (109)……………………Unit Eight Intellectual Property (125)………………………………Unit Nine Contracts:Introduction and Formation (140)…………Unit Ten Contracts:Capacity,Legality and Form (157)………Unit Eleven Contract:Genuine Assent,Breach and Damages(178)……………………………………………………Unit Twelve anization (192)……………………………Unit Thirteen Negotiable Instruments (219)……………………………Appendix The Constitution of the United States of America(238)………………………………………………………Key to Exercises (261)……………………………………………………櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃櫃Unit OneIntroductionPrereading QuestionsPeter sues Mary. Mary thinks that the judge in this case should rule in her favor.Because the judges in cases that involved circumstances similar to those in this casehave ruled in a way that indicates the above ruling. If Mary argues this way,is this avalid argument?Does the judge in this case have to rule as those other judges have?WHAT IS LAW?The law consists of rules that regulate the conduct of individuals,businesses,anizations within society. It is intended to protect persons and their propertyfrom unwanted interference from others. In other words,the law forbids persons fromengaging in certain undesirable activities.Although it is difficult to state a precise definition,Blacks Law Dictionary givesone definition:Law,in its generic sense,is a body of rules of action or conductprescribed by controlling authority,and having binding legal force. That which mustbe obeyed and followed by citizens subject to sanctions or legal consequences is a law.Our society has many kinds of rules,but not all rules can be considered“law”.All laws are rules,but not all rules are laws. What differentiate a law from a rule?2
国际商法专业英语Enforceability. People who break laws are held accountable for their actions throughjudicial imposition of sanctions. But people who do not follow the rules in baseball arenot arrested or taken to court,they are simply ejected from the game.There are many different types of legal rules. One legal rule,about substantivelaw,defines a specific way to create a legal document. A second such as criminal lawforbids certain kinds of conduct. A third type of legal rule was created pensatepersons who have been injured because someone else breached a duty.Breaches of laws provide grounds for enforcement in courts of law by the party orparties who are harmed by the breaches. Enforcement consists of one of three legalremedies:(1)paying money as damages or as a fine,(2)being subject to a courtorder that directs a person to do or not to do something(an injunction),or(3)goingto jail or prison.FUNCTIONS OF LAWThe basic functions of law are:1.2. enforcing standards ofconduct a3. fand 4. promoting socialjustice.The first two functions help further another function of law that is especiallyimportant to business:facilitating planning. Contract and sales law are examples ofthis function. In making the courts available to enforce contracts,the legal systemensures that the parties to contracts will either carry out their promises or be liable fordamages.Tax laws seek not only to raise revenue for government expenditure but also toredistribute wealth by imposing higher inheritance and e taxes on wealthypeople. And antitrust laws seek to prevent certain practices that might petition and thus increase prices. Consumer laws have a wide range of purposesfrom prohibiting the sale of unsafe products to providing more information toshoppers. The function of these statutes is to promote social justice by protecting thedisadvantaged. Courts,in applying the law,seem to be seeking to balance the scalesto benefit the “little guy” in dealing with big business, big labor, and biggovernment. Helping the ordinary citizen deal with a plex and quiteUnit One Introduction 3
impersonal economy is also the objective of the governmental legislation establishingsocial security,welfare,housing,and medical MON LAW mon LawAmerican law is based on the English system which unified its local courts afterthe Norman conquered England in 1066. Before the Norman Conquest,disputes hadbeen settled according to the local legal customs and traditions in different regions ofthe country. William the Conqueror sought to establish a unified system for thecountry. This unified system,based on the decisions judges make in cases,is mon law system.mon law system involves the application of principles applied in earliercases with similar facts. Judges attempted to be consistent,and whenever possible,they based their decisions on the principles suggested by earlier cases. This use ofprecedent,known as the doctrine of stare decisis,became a cornerstone of theEnglish and American judicial systems.The doctrine means that once a court has set forth a principle of law as beingapplicable to a certain set of facts,that court and courts of lower rank must adhere tothat principle and apply it in future cases involving similar fact patterns. It permits apredictable,quick,and fair resolution of cases. People bringing a case to court canusually rely on the court to make a decision based on what the law has been.However,courts sometimes depart from the rule of precedent, deciding that aprecedent is incorrect or that technological or social changes have rendered theprecedent inapplicable. Cases that overturn precedent often receive a great deal ofpublicity. When there is no precedent,courts often look to precedents set in otherjurisdiction for guidance. When determining which rules and policies to apply in agiven case,and in applying them,a judge may examine prior case law,the principlesand policies behind the decisions,and their historical setting. Existing statutes,fairness,social values and customs,public policy,and data and concepts drawn fromthe social sciences may also be taken into consideration.4
国际商法专业英语EquityEquity is the branch of unwritten law,founded in justice and fair dealing,thatseeks to supply a more equitable and adequate remedy than damages,which is theusual remedy at law. In medieval England,when individuals could not obtain anadequate remedy in a court of law,they petitioned the king for relief. Most of thesepetitions were decided by the kings chancellor. Eventually,formal chancery courts,or courts of equity,evolved into a system of courts distinct from courts of law. Acourt of equity could grant new and unique remedies, including an injunction(ordering a party to do or not to do a particular act). Today,in most states,there arenot two separate court systems — a court may grant both legal and equitable remediesin the same case.Courts often invoke equitable principles and maxims when making theirdecisions. Here are some of the significant equitable principles and maxims.1. “Whoever seeks equity must do equity” means anyone who wishes to betreated fairly must treat others fairly.2. “Where there is equal equity,the law must prevail. ”It denotes that the lawwill determine the e of a dispute in which the merits of both sides areequal.3. “One seeking the aid of an equity court e to the court with cleanhands. ”The plaintiff here must have acted fairly and honestly.4. “Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy. ”Equitable relief willbe awarded when there is a right to relief and there is no adequate remedy atlaw.5. “Equity regards substance rather than form. ” Equitable is more concernedwith fairness and justice than with legal technicalities.6. “Equity aids the vigilant,not those who rest on their rights. ”So equity willnot help those who neglect their rights for an unreasonable period of time.SOURCES OF AMERICAN LAWThere are numerous sources of American law. Primary sources of law are:播放器加载中,请稍候...
商务专业英语系列丛书国际商法专业英语Business Law English Reader张平主编对外经济贸易大学出版社(京)新登字 182 号图书在版编目(CIP)数据国际商法专业英语= Business Law English Reader/ 张平主编. —北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006(商务专业英语系列丛书)ISBN Ⅰ国. . . Ⅱ张. . . Ⅲ国际商法- 英语Ⅳ H3...
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