
羽翼是什么意思 羽翼在线翻译 羽翼什么意思 羽翼的意思 羽翼的翻译 羽翼的解释 羽翼的发音 羽翼的同义词 羽翼的反义词 羽翼的例句
羽翼 基本解释羽翼[yǔ yì]词典:翅膀,翼;飞翔;派系,派别。词典:助手,助理;[化学](染色的)助剂;辅助物;店员,伙计。羽翼 汉英大词典羽翼[yǔ yì]assistant羽翼 网络解释1. Aletta:Michelle米歇尔 (Michael的女性形式) | 羽翼--Aletta | 雨夜--Amaya2. YYIi:YYIi 雨意(yǔyi) | YYIi 羽翼(yǔyi) | YYIi 语意(yǔyi)3. gIwogIck:羽林天军 gIwo– | 羽翼 gIwogIck | 羽盖 gIwokyb4. zzzd:子音zzzb | 羽翼zzzd | 熟习zzzd羽翼 双语例句1. 河鼠向来密切关注着所有羽翼界的活动,看到他们正日渐趋向南迁。甚至夜间躺在床上,他也能听出那急于南行的鸟儿们听从造化的指令,扑打着翅膀掠过夜空。&&&&Rat, ever observant of all winged movement, saw that it was taking daily and even as he lay in bed at night he thought he could make out, passing in the darkness overhead, the beat and quiver of impatient pinions, obedient to the peremptory call.2. 羽翼2. 势将丰其羽毛,奋其羽翼&&&&May plume her feathers and let grow her wings3. 良好的发育及好的羽翼取决於BII的营养饮食及乾净的环境。&&&&Maximum development and good feathering is attained by the nutritious diet and clean environment.4. 但是它们不会一直寄生在它们的宿主身上,当鸟儿羽翼丰满时,鸡蚤就会离开。&&&&But they do not live on their hosts continually. Once a bird fledges, therefore, it leaves its parasites behind.5. 即便母亲离开了鸟巢的区域,雏鸟仍要里面待上几周,依赖它们的父母直到羽翼渐丰。&&&&Though its mother has left the confines of the nest, the chick remains within for another few weeks, dependent on its parents until it fledges.6. 房间服务:一只红冠犀鸟携早餐而来,它会将食物反刍,以喂养其安然处于灯架树树洞中的三个月大的雏鸟即便母亲离开了鸟巢的区域,雏鸟仍要里面待上几周,依赖它们的父母直到羽翼渐丰&&&&Room service: A red-knobbed hornbill arrives with breakfast, which he will regurgitate for his roughly three-month-old chick safely inside a nest hole in an Alstonia tree. Though its mother has left the confines of the nest, the chick remains within for another few weeks, dependent on its parents until it fledges.7. 7. 黑暗的力量在学校工作中采取一个神秘又在夜间和羽翼未丰的吸血鬼Zoey红鸟探险家。&&&&Dark forces are at work at the House of Night and fledgling vampyre Zoey Redbirds adventures at the school take a mysterious turn.8. 暴风雨掀起海浪,用它的黑色羽翼遮掩了天空;怒涛和尖锐的岩石,似乎在告诉我死神已降临。&&&&The angry waves and the sight of dangerous rocks told me and the thought of death made me afraid.9. 9. 他从漆黑的海面往上飞了两千英尺,一刻也没有想过失败和死亡。他把前翼贴紧身体,只把羽翼末梢上狭窄的、后掠的翼尖展开,迎风飞翔,随即垂直俯冲。&&&&He climbed two thousand feet above the black sea, and without a moment for thought of failure and death, he brought his 17forewings tightly in to his body, left only the narrow swept daggers of his 18wingtips extended into the wind, and fell into a 19vertical dive.10. 10. 我对自己说过不会做你展翅高飞的羽翼上的一粒微尘。&&&&I said to myself never to be a grain of dust to your wing which will take you fly highly.11. 当我20岁的时候,我被诊断患有糖尿病,著名传媒大亨马文·戴维斯的妻子,芭芭拉·戴维斯,把我庇护在她的羽翼之下。&&&&&&After I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was 20 years old, Barbara Davis, the wife of the late studio executive Marvin Davis, took me under her wing.12. 然而,做一个羽翼丰满的游戏,我们需要完全的控制,下一讲将讲述如何控制。&&&&&&However, for creating a full fledged game, we are going to want complete control.13. 也许离我近的人们得到的祝福要多一些,不过没关系的,我是一片轻盈的羽毛,我绒绒的羽翼会一直乘着我飘扬。&&&&&&I doubt not everyone can receive a wish but the ones who live near me.14. 朋友是那些当我们对自己失去信心的时候依然信任我们的人,是那些以微笑驱散我们一脸阴云的人,是那些用自己由衷的喜悦卸下我们满身重荷而又从不奢望回报的人,是那些用爱与欢笑给予我们坚强的羽翼和一片蔚蓝天空的人,是那些我们今生来世都无法言尽谢意的人。friends to the end!&&&&&&The friend is that those confide in our person as before while we lose confidence to self, people who is that those dispel our dark clouds all over the face with the smile, be that those disboard our heavy burden all over the body with self sincere delight and as well never extravagant hopes people who brings back a report, be those the word uses up the gratitude people w15. 有些鸟是不能被关在笼子里的,因为他们的每一片羽翼都被沾上了自由的光辉。&&&&&&Some birds aren`t meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.16. 据那些不得不与天使并肩战斗的人们透露,世上再没有什么比眩目的白色羽翼覆盖整个战场更加美丽和恐怖了,然而敌人通常什么都感受不到。&&&&&&Comrades who had to fight shoulder to shoulder with the angels, tell that there is not a more beautiful or terrible spectacle than the dazzling white wings hovering over a battlefield.17. 她用一个非常专横的姿势指点着房门,动作十分迅速,她举起手来时,她胳膊上的绸衣服发出一种羽翼扑动似的声音。&&&&&&She points to the door with a sha so rapid that the silken drapery about her arm makes a swooping sound as she lifts her hand.18. 妈妈会将你呵护在她的羽翼之下&&&&&&Mother's gonna keep you right here under her wing.19. 19. 可以听到幸福的羽翼在他的头上呼呼地在振响着。&&&&&&The wings of fortune could be heard whirring over his head.20. 杰森笑了。那些羽翼扇动的声音现在越来越响,飞舞的天使来接他回家了。&&&&&&Jason used to shop at Wal-Mart for jeans and DVDs and Frosted Flakes. Now he was dying here.羽翼是什么意思,羽翼在线翻译,羽翼什么意思,羽翼的意思,羽翼的翻译,羽翼的解释,羽翼的发音,羽翼的同义词,羽翼的反义词,羽翼的例句,羽翼的相关词组,羽翼意思是什么,羽翼怎么翻译,单词羽翼是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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