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& 复卷机安全操作规程
复卷机安全操作规程_机械/仪表_工程科技_专业资料。复卷机安全操作规程: 开机检查与准备1,确认检修工作已经完成,设备装恢复完善,检修人员搬离现场. 2,清理走台,...复卷机操作安全规程_机械/仪表_工程科技_专业资料。复卷机操作安全规程 一、开机前的准备工作 1、清理干净机器上的灰尘; 2、检查机器的电路(线路是否有破损) ,...下引纸复卷机安全操作规程_制度/规范_工作范文_实用文档。下引纸复卷机安全操作规程 1、 上班前 8 小时不得喝酒,凡酒醉及精神不清者不得上班工 作。 2、 ...复卷工序安全操作规程为完善安全管理,杜绝各类机械伤害事故的发生,保障 职工安全,...在所有人员退出复卷机安全 警戒线后方可开机; 三、复卷过程中严禁用手触摸纸...复卷机操作规程一、开机流程: 1、 依次打开复卷机总电源和检测系统电源; 注: (1)打开电源前,请确保电路连接正确,无短路; (2)打开总电源时,会出现报警,约 ...复卷机操作规程() (一) 岗位准备: 1、操作人员提前十分钟到...3、吊辊人员应按安全操作规程,精心操作。 4、把原纸辊平稳的吊放再退纸架上...大复卷机操作规范_纺织/轻工业_工程科技_专业资料。复卷机操规定 大复卷机操作规范一. 开机前设备检查 1、检查各转动部位安全防护装置是否复位,未复位一律不准...1#2#复卷机运行是否正常,有无损坏; 3. 切刀的使用情况; 4. 夹头、舒展辊、纸尘抽吸系统的运行情况; 交接班操作规程 接班前 1. 认真检查设备的安全使用状况...立式打蛋机安全操作规程 暂无评价 1页 免费 复卷机安全操作规程 2页 免费 打爪机安全操作规程 暂无评价 1页 免费喜欢此文档的还喜欢 ...直流母线是什么意思_直流母线在线翻译_直流母线什么意思_直流母线的意思_直流母线的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
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直流母线 双语例句1. 由于各个直流母线电压都是相等的,输入变压器较容易设计,易于实现工业标准模块化的生产,有较好的应用前景。&&&&As the DC bus voltage are equal in all input transformer easy to design, easy to implement industry-standard modular production, there is a better prospect.2. 分别在0、1 970、2 245和3 723 m海拔地区开展了±800 kV直流输电线路真型尺寸模拟杆塔和换流站极母线空气间隙50%操作冲击放电特性对比试验研究。&&&&In this paper the 50% switching impulse flashover voltage tests have been carried out on the real size simulation tower of ±800 kV UHVDC transmission line and the pole line of ±800 kV UHVDC converter station at 0、 m and 3723 m altitude respectively.3. 3. 为了改善内置式永磁同步电机调速系统的动态抗扰性能,在利用常规比例积分调节的基础上提出了模糊PI复合控制的方法,用于电机转速控制和直流母线电压控制。&&&&In order to improve the dynamic performance of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor, a fuzzy proportional-integral hybrid control scheme is proposed to control the speed of IPMSM and the DC-link voltage.4. 实验结果表明,该算法简单易实现,能够有效的提高直流母线的电压利用率,具有在低频运行稳定,逆变器输出电流正弦度好等优点。&&&&When the voltage space vector is located within overmodulation mode I, the locus in the hexagon remain the circular, but the amplitude is larger than the modulus of voltage space vector to compensate the voltage distortion on the reference voltage vector tracks the hexagon sides in the remaining.5. 为了实现变频器各种故障复现试验和参数调整的需要,根据变频器的组成电路和控制器的数学模型,应用Matlab/Simulink软件,建立了基于转速闭环控制的矢量变频器,并利用模型就一起由于整流器触发电路开路引起的直流母线电压欠压故障进行了仿真,仿真结果表明,对于矢量变频器、整流元件没有触发造成的缺相使中间直流母线电压下降较正常情况明显,从而解释了故障发生的机理,同时验证了模型的正确性。&&&&To realize the frequency converter's failures recurrence test and parameter adjustment, the paper models the vector frequency converter based on the closed loop speed control according to constitute circuits of the converter and mathematical model of the controller with Matlab/Simulink software. It simulates the failure of the DC bus under-voltage due to the rectifier trigger circuit open. The simulating result shows that the middle voltage pressure drop caused by no triggering of the rectifying element is greater than normal condition one. It explains why the failures happen.6. 6. 对永磁无刷直流电机的换相转矩脉动的产生机制进行了分析,主要从理论上探讨了换相引起的转矩脉动与电机绕组的参数、换相期间的三相反电动势、电机的运行速度及母线直流电压等之间的关系。&&&&This paper discusses the principle of the torque ripple of BLDCM with focuses on the theoretical analysis of the relationships between torque ripple and parameters of windings, motor speed and bus voltage, as well as 3-phase reverse electrodynamic potential during phase converting.7. 本章最后提出了一种基于T型滤波器的新型的调光方法,采用此方法可以在保持逆变器直流母线电压和开关占空比不变的情况下,只需很窄的频率范围就能达到非常宽的调光范围,而且在整个调光范围内灯电流都基本上是完美的正弦波,这就意味着可以始终保持很低的灯电流波峰因数,仿真和实验结果充分验证了它的优点。&&&&Using this method, wide dimming range can be achieved with narrow frequency range and constant DC link voltage. And the lamp current keeps perfect sine wave all the time, which means low lamp current crest factor is obtained. Its validity is verified by simulation and experiment.8. 8. 新方法利用高速微处理器的运算能力,消除了电流环中的计算延时,但同时限制了整流桥交流侧电压矢量的幅值,降低了电网电压升高时PWM整流器对交流侧电流和直流母线电压的控制能力。&&&&A high-speed microprocessor is used to eliminate the calculational delay in the current loop.9. 最后,在本文变频调速控制器的基础上,对直流母线电流和转子齿谐波RSH这两种变频器驱动异步电机的无速度传感器转速辨识技术作了辨识算法分析和试验研究。&&&&Lastly, two methods of sensorless speed identification techniques for inverter-driven induction motors, DC Link Current and Rotor Slot Harmonics, are studied based on the frequency control system developed in this paper.10. 因此,必须在线监测直流系统的母线电压和对地绝缘电阻,显示母线电压值和正负母线对地绝缘电阻值。&&&&Methods used to measure the resistance are summarized and compared, and a new method based on siglechip is proposed.11. 双馈风力发电机组主要由双馈感应异步发电机和背靠背的电压型变换器组成,其中双馈感应异步发电机是非线性、强耦合、多变量的系统,背靠背的电压型变换器因直流母线电容的耦合也存在非线性因素。&&&&&&A doubly fed wind turbine generator system mainly consists of a doubly fed induction generator and back-to-back voltage source converters. The DFIG is a nonlinear and strong-coupled system with multi-variables and due to the coupling of capacitors of DC bus the VSCs also contain nonlinear factors.12. 12. 但开关频率固定的串联谐振充电电源的恒流特性因直流母线电压的波动和高压变压器以及整流单元的分布电容的影响,其充电电流并不是恒流。&&&&&&But the pracfic series resonant topo logy witll open-loop conlaol is not constant current charging characteristic because of the influence ofthe variable DC bus voltagean dthe distributed capacitors ofthe high voltage transformer and the rectifier unit.13. 选择了多种±800 kV输电工程用典型直流设备,包括换流站用管母线、屏蔽环和线路用6分裂导线及其金具等作为试品,在北京、西宁和拉萨3个不同海拔地区进行可见电晕对比试验。&&&&&&Visible corona tests of different samples, including busbars and shielding ring used in converter stations and six bundled conductors and fittings used in transmission lines, of ±800kV UHVDC were carried out in Beijing, Xining and Lhasa where with different altitudes respectively.14. 摘 要:介绍了由西门子S7-400 PLC、TP270触摸屏、6SE70变频器组成的下引纸复卷机的控制系统,通过公共直流母线系统和基于PROFIBUS-DP总线的分级控制的应用,实现了下引纸复卷机的全交流传动控制。&&&&&&The paper introduces an underfeed winder control system mainly composed of Siemens S7-400 PLC, TP270 hand touch screen, 6SE70 AC converter. It successfully implements all AC drive control for the underfeed winder.15. 二极管籍位型多电平逆变器应用较为广泛,但是在高压大功率的应用场合,二极管箱位型多电平逆变器的主电路拓扑和控制具有以下问题:直流母线侧各电容电压可能不平衡I1;箱位二极管数量过多;内部开关器件的间接箱位造成内部开关器件承受较&&&&&&No switching zone in one period by according to power factor angle, 120° no switching zone can be adjusted to be farthest located in the centre of the peak value region of the load current through adjusting the injected zero sequence voltage, hence, the switching loss can be greatly reduced and the efficiency of the system can be greatly improved.16. 直流母线16. 通过分析讨论,得出按周减载回路缺少负极小母线和直流系统存在接地点是造成这种事故的主要原因。&&&&&&It is concluded through analysis that this kind of failure mainly results from the absence of negative small busbar in frequency-based load-shedding circuit and the defects in DC system.17. 该方法是将直流母线的正、负两极通过平衡电桥和非平衡电桥的两个电阻接地,从而将直流系统的总电压分别完全施加于这两对电桥上,根据欧姆定律,利用采集到的正、负母线电压和电桥的两个电阻值建立一个二元一次方程组,从而得到母线接地电阻;同时,在每一个供电支路上都装置一个霍尔电流传感器,让所有支路的正负电缆分别穿过霍尔传感器,根据传感器对漏电流的检测,来判断支路接地故障点,并根据传感器检测到的漏电流值和采集到的母线电压值,便可以计算出供电支路的接地电阻值。&&&&&&The method is that the positive and negative of the DC bus through the balance bridge and the non-equilibrium bridge connect to the ground, thus the whole voltage were imposed directly on current system by all of these bridges, according to Ohm's law, used to collect the voltage of the positive and negative bus and the two resistance values of the bridge, to establish a Equations, then get the value of the
At the same time, in every slip on the power supply devices has a Hall current sensor, so that all the wire of the positive and negative slip through the Hall sensor, respectively, according to the leakage current which the sensors detect, can determine the slip fault, and in accordance with Sensors detected the leakage current value and acquisition value to the bus voltage, we can calculate grounding resistance value of the slip.18. 采用矢量分析方法推导出基于电压SVPWM的电流稳态无差拍控制的参数设计准则,便于合理设计电路参数,既可以保证在电源电压波动和负载变化的一定范围内实现电流稳态无差拍控制,又可以保持合理的直流侧电压幅值以降低挂在直流母线上的开关器件的电压应力、减小密勒效应以提高驱动电路的可靠性。&&&&&&With the help of vector analysis, the circuit design criterion for the steady-state deadbeat control to the input currents is put forward. It is useful in obtaining proper circuit parameters to guarantee both the steady-state deadbeat control on the input currents when the AC mains voltage and the load change in a certain range, and the relatively low output voltage which is important in reducing the Miller effect to raise the drive circuit's reliability, and cutting down the voltage stress of all the switches on the DC bus.19. 直流母线19. 本文以中性母线对地电容为研究对象,介绍了 HVDC 采用中性母线对地电容的必要性;并采用有限枚举法,计算分析了中性母线对地电容参数的大小对直流侧滤波效果的影响趋势,为HVDC 系统中性母线对地电容值的选择提供了理论依据。&&&&&&In the next section, with the method of finite enumeration used, the trend that the filtering effect at DC side varies with the neutral bus capacitance is revealed by computation and analysis. The theoretical foundation for determining the neutral bus capacitance of HVDC systems is consequently provided. The equivalent disturbing current Ieq is adopted as the index for measuring the filtering effect at DC side.20. 围绕国家中长期发展规划,公司承担了我国十五、十一五一大批代表世界输变电设备最高水平的1000kV特高压交流变压器及电抗器、±500—±800kV直流变压器、750kV变压器及电抗器、750kV-1000kV扩径导线等科研攻关计划,掌握了百万千瓦发电机主变压器,大型水电、火电、核电主机变压器等自主知识产权的核心技术,负责完成了多项国家行业标准的制订,填补了诸多世界领域的空白,为我国的三峡工程、西电东送、1000kV、±800 kV特高压示范工程等国家重大项目工程提供了国产首台产品技术和服务。750kV特高压电抗器、750kV扩径导线及母线荣获中国机械工业特等奖、国家科技进步一等奖。&&&&&&We reached at the international first class at the ultra-high voltage electricity transmission and transformation, direct current transmission and power station projects. TBEA is the first company in China which possessed the 220kV-500kv DC Converter manufacturing technology patent rights, we have the production capability of electric power transformer up to 10000KV, reactor up to 750KV, DC converter up to 500KV, railway traction transformer up to 220KV, rectiformer and other transformers for special usage. The production technologies of 110KV-500KV high voltage cable and 750KV ultra-high voltage large section conduction are in the leading position in china. Our products are wisely used in much national important power transmission, covering in 31provinces, The Three Gorges Project, the West-east Electricity Transportation Project, the West-east Gas Transportation Project, Electrization Railway Project, Guizhou-Guangzhou Double Circle, and The Launch of Divine State 5 Project.直流母线是什么意思,直流母线在线翻译,直流母线什么意思,直流母线的意思,直流母线的翻译,直流母线的解释,直流母线的发音,直流母线的同义词,直流母线的反义词,直流母线的例句,直流母线的相关词组,直流母线意思是什么,直流母线怎么翻译,单词直流母线是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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